Sunday 6 March 2011

Week 1 - Andrea Chicco

As an elective for 2011, I have selected to enrol into is ICT and Pedagogy 4001EPS. Lecture/Tutorial 1, Monday the 28 February 2011, WOW! Did I get blown away! So many types of technologies, programs, terms and devices I have never heard of before! I thought I was in tune with technologies! Obviously not! When Dr. Zagami explained common technologies that are currently out in the world, I was amazed, intrigued and most of all overwhelmed on the amount I needed to become familiar with.

Some topics Dr. Zagami included in the first weeks Lecture and Tutorial that I have had not been familiar with and found interesting were the following:-

  • 1:1 - Computing - one computer per student
  • OLPC - one laptop per child
  • Book Readers - the ability to read books digitally via ipads etc.
  • Cloud Computing - uploading any type of data from your home, work or uni computer online. This data is then saved onto a computer in a giant warehouse. The warehouse is operated by a company such as Google or Facebook (to name a few) and these computer warehouses are all around the world.
  • Google Icons - There are so many I did not think I would ever use, such as Google Reader, Google Groups, Google Documents just to name a few. I have used Google Sites last year, for the course Technology Education. I learnt the basics of this site such as entering text, backgrounds, pages and Youtube Clips to show off my Claymation video.
  • Collaborative Computing - Writing a part of a story at the same time.
  • Wii and Xbox consoles - used in classrooms as a learning approach.
The above technologies are just a small collection of technology I learnt during lecture and tutorial 1. I have pages and pages of notes that explain even more technologies I learnt.
I believe learning these technologies will be beneficial as I can take my experiences into the classroom to educate students now and in the future. 
I am looking forward to using all the above technologies and also the ones I have yet to blog about or still need to learn about. 

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