Wednesday 30 March 2011

Week 5 - Andrea Chicco

This week I learned about many technologies I can start to include onto my professional knowledge list, below are two resources I believe are engaging for not just students, me too! These resources introduced to us in ICT and Pedagogy are definitely contributing to the Digital Pedagogy Licence statement “I understand how ICT can support and enhance what students learn, how they learn, and when and where their learning takes place” (Smart Classrooms, 2011).

Digital Story Telling
Go Animate
Just like Zoo Burst we were introduced to last week, Go Animate is a fantastic resource to implement into the classroom to enhance an English lesson. Go Animate is an addition to regular storytelling as stories are usually told by writing in a workbook. This website allows consumers to digitally tell their story by creating their own animated characters, animated settings and storylines. It is an extremely attractive website and has simple navigations for consumers to use.
Additional technologies that include digital storytelling are podcasts, videos, other animation websites and Microsoft Power Point, just to name a few.
Apple Mac – iMovie
I thoroughly enjoyed learning how to use iMovie in the Mac Lab this week. Obviously I would like to spend more time exploring its features as for everything we are introduced to in this course, however it was good quickly going through the basics. This is an additional resource of students to digitally tell their story.
Smart Classrooms (2011). Smart classrooms professional development framework. Retrieved from

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