Wednesday 30 March 2011

Week 4 Andrea Chicco

Augmented Reality

Week 4’s lecture/tutorial/workshop was an engaging session as one of the highlights was the introduction of Augmented Reality.  Yet again, this technology was a dimension I never had privilege of being aware of and I am extremely excited to learn this technology and implement it into my practicum classroom and future classrooms. This technology will definitely enhance the way students learn, especially when “visiting historical locations, doing field work, interacting with real-world objects, and even paging through books” (The Horizon Report, 2010). 

An excellent website Dr. Zagami introduced our class to, to promote Augmented Reality was It was great having a quick run through on how it actually works. I believe this website can be applied to the Year 4 class I have been placed at for professional teaching experience. Currently, the students are writing and completing adventure narratives as part of their English Unit. I believe introducing Zoo Burst to the students will enhance their writing. I am excited to sit with my Supervising Teacher to obtain her thoughts on including it as part of an ICT lesson.

Horizon Report

The Horizon report “identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, research, or creative expression within education around the globe”. The report explains there are “six technologies featured and are placed along three adoption horizons that indicate likely time frames for their entrance into mainstream use for teaching, learning, or creative applications in the K-12 environment” (The 2010 Horizon Report).

These technologies are; cloud computing, collaborative environment, game based learning, the use of mobiles in the classroom, augmented reality and flexible displays. As mentioned, each of the above technologies have been given intense explanations and information on how they are likely to be implemented into classrooms within the next 12 months. As this report was realised in 2010, we can see some of these exposed into schools today.


The Horizon Report  (2010). The new media consortium. Retrieved from

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